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Obscuring Ghosts

Isaac Swan is a schoolteacher being harassed by a gang of ruffians in the small town of Rivers Bend. Led by a boy named Zachariah, they have begun making Isaac's life a misery, certain that he is guilty of corrupting Zachariah's brother, Joseph, someone Isaac happily tutored privately so he need not attend the school as an adult. To some, it may appear as if the gang is unhappy with Isaac for teaching Joseph the skills needed to leave Rivers Bend and find work in New York City. In truth, there is a far more dangerous reason why the troublemakers wish to run Isaac out of town.


Obscuring Ghosts is a Legend of Sleepy Hollow retelling within the Revolution realm.


Content warnings: violence and 18th century views on gender, race, and sexuality.

Queer identities included: gay


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This is a short story completely unconnected to any of my Revolution books, though it takes place in the same universe. I wrote it when I was craving a healthy, tender, queer poly story, mostly because I have a feeling some 18th century queers had relationships much like this during the time period.


Resolved is a sweet short story about Noah and Luther, two American veterans doing their best to recover from their experiences in the war while also coming to accept their love for each other despite the challenges of 18th century life.


Content warnings: discussion of war and violence, and 18th century views on gender and sexuality. 

Queer identities included: bisexual, gay (also includes a polyamorous arrangement)


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